Tanzania Safari

Bush to Beach Experience in Tanzania

A travel combined Tanzania – Zanzibar, is ideal for combining a safari in Tanzania and relaxation on the white sand beaches in Zanzibar. This handset will give you infinite possibilities in terms of discovery in two completely different settings. Safari to discover incredible wildlife in Tanzania and then finish your stay in a luxurious hotel in Zanzibar.

Tanzania is located in East Africa and is one of the world’s most renowned safari destinations, offering an abundance of wildlife and unsurpassed scenery. Attractions include the Serengeti and its Great Migration; Mount Kilimanjaro – the World’s highest free-standing mountain; the World Heritage Site of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and numerous game-filled Parks and Reserves.

Most visitors to Tanzania are attracted by the opportunity to witness one of Nature’s most incredible events like the Great Migration; this experience of a lifetime can be witnessed when on safari in Tanzania. The profusion of plains game also attracts predators such as hyenas and the Big Cats, so game-viewing can be particularly rewarding.

A luxury safari tour in Tanzania is ideal to combine with a beach holiday in Zanzibar. This small, pretty island in the Indian Ocean is known as The Spice Island and it has beautiful white sand beaches and a rich history and culture.


A safari in Tanzania reveals the world’s premier safari destination: the Serengeti and its expansive plains, the largest un-flooded and un-broken caldera in the world, the Great Wildebeest Migration, and the towering Mount Kilimanjaro. Enjoy lunch next to a hippo filled watering hole, spot the legendary tree-climbing lion, and watch as massive tusked elephants amble about the Serengeti on a once-in-a-lifetime safari. Tanzania offers travelers the opportunity to experience firsthand the Maasai culture, amazing animal viewing, and epic ascents up Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s largest free-standing mountain.

The Serengeti- Iconic Wildlife Hotspot

Having the oldest ecosystem on this planet, Serengeti National Park is very delightful for its flora and fauna with the natural diversity and biodiversity.

The Great Wildebeest Migration in this park and around the larger serener area shows the game of the ecosystem of Tanzania. After the calving season of January and February, herds of wildebeests start the migration from March. During May, the migration heads towards the western corridors. The great migration gathers in one place and is joined by herds of zebras, cape buffalos, gazelles, etc. to start the migration.

After crossing the Grumeti River in July, the migration moves to the north. From August to October, they cross the Mara River and enter the Masai Mara national park of Kenya. In November and December, the migration crosses the northeastern Serengeti and move towards the southern Serengeti. You can see the largest and most diverse prey and predator encounter in migration which shows the lifecycle of the Tanzania ecosystem. This is the most beautiful and impressive event that attracts many tourists from every corner of the world.

Mostly famous for the African big five, the Serengeti national park has the highest concentration of lions all over the world. You can see the wildlife diversity because not only for the land mammals but also for 500 bird species.

Ngorongoro Crater- The most dramatic of Landscapes

As famous for the earliest human fossils of 3 million years ago, the Ngorongoro Crater was once a volcano and now is the largest intact caldera in the world.

Now, the crater is a wide highland area with 600 m deep of focal point. The beauty of wildlife diversity in the crater will take your breath away. The crater is the place, where every year the great wildebeest migration starts after calving.

Most importantly, OI Doinyo Lengai, only volcano that erupts carbonate lava, is located in this park. The dramatic highlands males it most unique and the area Oldupai Gorge, is famous for the proof of earliest human fossils.

Arusha- The tourism capital of Northern Tanzania

The Arusha city, near Arusha national park, makes the place accessible and famous Tanzania Tourist Attraction in Tanzania. The Mt. Meru of Arusha National Park is for the hikers to warm up before hiking for Mt. Kilimanjaro.

However, the Arusha city is one of the Tanzania Destinations that describe many things about Tanzania’s history, culture, and economy. Arusha’s highland is made for tourists to relax before starting or ending your Tanzania Safari.

As a major international diplomatic hub, it is the capital of East African community (EAC). Every year, the city hosts the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Genocide.

Arusha city is the only city where you can communicate in English with the local people if you don’t know the Kiswahili language.

It is a multicultural city having mixed backgrounds like Indigenous Bantu, Arab-Tanzanian, Indian-Tanzanian, and white European and Americans.

Mount Kilimanjaro- The towering peak of Africa

As the “roof of Arica”, Mt. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain peak with an altitude of 20,000 ft. It was made up of three volcanoes namely, Mawenzi, Shira, and Kibo. During the trekking, you can face five ecological zones such as tropical rain forest, cultivation, Heather-moorland, Alpine desert, and summit climate zones. There are 7 routes to reach at the summit. The Umbwe route is the most difficult and the Marangu Route is the easiest route for the summit.

Tarangire National Park

One of the most unique and best safaris in Tanzania, Tarangire National Park is a must visit. This park is best known for the largest elephant population in the entire world. If you plan to visit Tarangire National Park, you will see the magnificent animals in all their glory.

The best time to visit Tarangire is during the summers. The dry season pulls all the animals to the Tarangire River. You can spot elephants, lions, giraffes, and zebras among other animals on the river banks.

Lake Manyara National Park

The real fun of visiting Lake Manyara National Park is during the monsoon season. The park is in its full glory with plenty of flamingos and wallowing hippos. The park as its own charm owing to the trees with thick, hanging roots. It is also the only place where you will spot lions perched on trees.

Another reason to visit the park is the abundance of birds in the area. The park also offers canoe safaris for those who want to see the wildlife up close and personal. They also have night safaris which add a lot of thrill to the adventure. Head here to feel an adrenaline rush that you will never forget.

Ruaha National Park

In 2008 Ruaha National Park became Tanzania’s largest park. It is home to large herds of buffalo and gazelle, and has one of the largest concentrations of elephants in Tanzania. The Great Ruaha River is the main feature of Ruaha National Park, providing magnificent wildlife viewing on the banks. The river also provides much of the electricity to Tanzania through a hydroelectric dam at Kidatu.

Ruaha National Park is the least accessible park in Tanzania and as a result the landscape remains relatively untouched. Birdwatcher’s can enjoy over 400 species of bird that are not found in northern Tanzania, and the river, spectacular gorges, and majestic trees are especially appealing to photographers.

Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe National Park, also sometimes called Gombe Stream National Park, is primarily for those who want to get a little off the beaten track and see chimpanzees. This is one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania and is famous for the work of Jane Goodall. This British researcher arrived in 1960 to study the wild chimpanzees and her work turned into what would become the longest running behavioral research program of its kind in the world.

Guided walks take visitors into the forest to observe chimps in the wild. Many species of primates and mammals live in the park. Over 200 bird species have been recorded in the tropical forest, including barbets, starlings, sunbirds, crowned eagle, kingfishers and the palm-nut vulture.

Hiking and swimming are other popular activities; a trail leads into the forest to a waterfall in the valley. 


Just East of Tanzania’s Swahili Coast lies the spice island of Zanzibar, an exotic island with a fascinating history, rich culture and tropical seaside beauty. The narrow and winding streets of old Stone Town beg to be explored as you pass elaborately carved mahogany doorways. We love its boutique oceanfront guesthouses on magnificent, palm-fringed beaches with warm, clear water, mere steps from your bedroom.

It’s the perfect place to punctuate your safari time in East Africa and is wonderful for couples, families and groups alike. Excursions include spice farm tours where you’ll see clove, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, and turmeric root actually growing. Tropical fruits abound and you’ll get a chance to try them in the local Stone Town Market. Plenty of marine activities like snorkeling, kayak and dhow tours even SCUBA diving is possible (with certification). Enjoy fresh seafood served under the stars at private candlelit tables.

But don’t close them for too long! Whilst the long sandy beaches are definitely Zanzibar’s main attraction, the “Spice Island” has so much more to offer.

  1. Go back in history in Stone Town

Stone Town is not only the capital of Zanzibar but also the heart and soul of the island. It is a colorful and bustling city, with old Arabic-style buildings, fascinating cathedrals and ancient churches. Wander through the winding alleys, find out what is behind the ornately carved doors and get lost in the town’s magic. There is so much to do and see in Stone Town that a short day trip visit from your beach resort might not be enough.

  1. Take a hike in Jozani Forest

If you can’t get enough of observing wildlife, then a trip to Jozani Forest is definitely your thing. This rain forest is one of the last remaining reserves in the world and is inhabited by the Red Colobus Monkey, only found at Zanzibar. It was once an endangered species but thanks to the successful conservation projects, their numbers have grown. In fact, these monkeys are very social and will emerge from the trees to greet you. Other animals that you might spot during your tour are the Blue Sykes Monkey, bush pigs, duikers, chameleons and many species of birds and butterflies.

  1. Dine in the Indian Ocean

The Rock Restaurant is not just a place to eat, it is a unique experience that is well known across the entire country. The restaurant is located on a rock in the middle of the Indian Ocean, just off the south-east coast, with magnificent views of the island. Fine dining awaits you with some of the best seafood served on Zanzibar. During high tide the restaurant can only be reached by boat.

  1. Spice it up with the Spice Tour

Although very much a tourist oriented activity, the Spice Tour is definitely worthwhile. It is a fascinating excursion as it gives you an insight into the local life, and it highlights a different part of the island’s history. You will visit a spice plantation which once contributed to Zanzibar’s flourishing industry. From here, spices were exported to Asia and South America.

During your walk you will be able to smell, taste, touch and guess various spices such as nutmeg, cloves, vanilla, as well as different types of fruits. Your guide will tell you all about their origins and use. And why not try to harvest a coconut yourself?

  1. Discover the sea life at Mnemba Atoll

You still might be impressed with the Big 5 that you have seen during your safari. But the marine life can be quite mesmerizing too! Mnemba Island is a coral atoll about 3 km off the north-east coast and has recently been declared a marine conservation area. It is surrounded by thriving, vibrant reefs and beautiful marine life such as yellow snappers, barracuda, eels and many more.

Dive or snorkel in the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean and discover the colorful coral, tropical reef fish and green turtles. There are even good chances of spotting dolphins on your way to the island!

  1. Adventure the Safari Blue

One of our most favorite excursions is the full day Safari Blue Tour. The trip starts from Fumba Peninsula and offers a wonderful combination of sailing, snorkeling and relaxing at the beach. The boat will navigate to various beautiful snorkeling sites, you will swim in the warm waters of a mangrove lagoon and enjoy a delicious seafood barbecue at a sand bank in the ocean. During this tour you may even catch sight of dolphins.

  1. Find romance on a Sunset Cruise

Unwind at a magical sunset on a traditional dhow sailing boat. As you sail slowly towards the horizon, a gentle breeze will caress your face and makes you feel completely calm. Simply enjoy the turquoise, clean waters, lie back and sip a cool drink while watching the sun set over the ocean. Another perfect ending to a great day!

  1. Explore the coral gardens of Chumbe Island

Chumbe Island Coral Park is an award-winning private nature reserve located just a short boat ride away from the main island of Zanzibar. It offers one of the most spectacular ‘coral gardens’ in the world, holding 90% of the coral diversity found in East Africa.

Snorkeling in the Coral Reef Sanctuary is a fantastic experience witch chances of meeting bathfish, parrotfish and hawksbill turtles. Moreover, during your visit you can take a nature walk through the forest reserve that harbors rare wildlife like the Ader’s Duiker and Coconut crabs. Or climb the Chumbe Lighthouse, built by the Sultan of Zanzibar in 1904, and enjoy spectacular views of the clear blue sea between Zanzibar and the mainland.

  1. Feel the beat of Zanzibar

Zanzibar is not only a romantic destination for honeymooners or couples, it is ideal for families with children. The wide sandy beaches and warm waters form the perfect ingredients for a family holiday. Some hotels offer special entertainment for children. But why not go out and have a great time together with your child.

Imagine the fun while learning the ancient Zanzibari art of drumming. Or let them paint in the traditional style called “Tinga Tinga” where a local artist will lead them step by step through the process of creating an ethnic Tanzanian style of art. Undoubtedly a new talent will be discovered!

  1. Taste Zanzibar

Want to really taste Zanzibar? Then join a (half) day cooking course. The Zanzibar kitchen has many surprises thanks to its mix of Indian, Arab and African influences. Meet the fisherman to see the catch of the day and cook together with local women and children. They will teach you how to cook the traditional festive dish “biryani” while you learn more about the friendly Zanzibaris and their lifestyle. Go for shopping at a food and spice market and bring your goods to the Swahili cooking lesson to turn the unfamiliar ingredients into a delicious Swahili meal.


Besides these exciting things to do and undiscovered places to visit, there are many more must-sees and must-does we can recommend. Inspire yourself with this Tanzania & Zanzibar safari. Or contact us now for a private safari with beach extension.